PHP 7.1


PHP 7.1 Overview

PHP 7.1 introduced several new features and improvements that enhance the language's performance, security, and usability. Released in December 2016, PHP 7.1 builds on the major advancements made in PHP 7.0, offering developers more tools to create efficient and secure applications.

Key Features of PHP 7.1

  1. Nullable Types: PHP 7.1 introduced the ability to declare nullable types in function signatures, allowing parameters or return types to be either a specified type or null.

    function example(?string $name) {
        // $name can be a string or null
  2. Void Return Type: Functions can now declare that they do not return any value using the void return type, making it clearer when a function is not intended to return anything.

    function example(): void {
        // No return statement
  3. Catch Multiple Exceptions: You can catch multiple exceptions in a single catch block, making error handling more concise.

    try {
        // Some code
    } catch (InvalidArgumentException | OutOfRangeException $e) {
        // Handle both exceptions
  4. Symmetric Array Destructuring: This feature allows you to unpack arrays directly into variables, simplifying array handling.

    [$a, $b] = [1, 2]; // $a = 1, $b = 2
  5. Improved Exception Handling: The Throwable interface was introduced, allowing both Error and Exception types to be caught together.

    try {
        // Some code that may throw an exception or error
    } catch (Throwable $e) {
        // Handle both exceptions and errors
  6. New json_encode Options: New options for json_encode() improve JSON handling, including JSON_PRESERVE_ZERO_FRACTION to prevent zero loss in float representation.

  7. Iterate through list(): You can now use list() with foreach() to unpack array values directly.

    foreach ($array as list($a, $b)) {
        // Do something with $a and $b
  8. Performance Improvements: PHP 7.1 continued to enhance performance, reducing memory usage and execution time, making applications faster and more efficient.


PHP 7.1 introduced valuable features that improve type safety, error handling, and overall code clarity. These enhancements make PHP a more robust language for modern web development, allowing developers to write cleaner and more maintainable code.